
Masterclass by CIAAD

Artificial Intelligence for Responsive Architecture & Design

This session is in English. There will be no simultaneous translation.

Beyond Blueprint & Cybernetic Spaces: How Artificial Intelligence is Crafting the Future of Responsive Architecture & Designing the Digital Age.
Once your register to Construmat, you can sign up to this masterclass. 

Prof. Imad Hanna, DES
AUD: American University in Dubai

Organised by:

Practical Information


23 de mayo 2024

Special price

45 euros ( 90 euros)


10:00 - 13:00h


Gran Via venue - CC1.4

Certificate of Completion

Each registered attendee will receive a “Certificate of Completion,” confirming their successful completion of a specific “for-credit” masterclass. This certificate marks a significant step in their personal or professional development and demonstrates their commitment to completing the session. The signed, stamped, and attested “Certificates of Completion,” each with a unique registered reference code, will be sent digitally to each participant within 10 to 14 days of receiving the list of confirmed attendees from you. For each masterclass attended and completed, the recipient will earn 3 credit points on a 90-point scale. These points count toward a full professional membership with CIAAD/UNSDGs and are recognized in the 193 member countries of the United Nations.


In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence into architecture has made significant progress. AI systems have become an essential tool for designing and constructing complex structures, providing architects with exceptional capabilities to optimize their work and achieve unprecedented levels of precision.

Architects who incorporate AI technology into their design processes can streamline various tasks, such as generating design options, selecting materials, optimizing energy use, and managing projects. Moreover, AI can contribute to improving the sustainability, safety, and resilience of the built environment. With its prompt decision-making abilities, AI provides valuable foresight and insight that enables architects to make informed design choices.


As the digital age unfolds, the architectural and design landscapes are undergoing transformative shifts, primarily driven by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This presentation will explore the intersections of design and technology, emphasizing AI’s evolving role in shaping responsive, adaptive, and sustainable spaces.

We’ll delve into how AI’s algorithms, particularly generative AI, are revolutionizing traditional architectural paradigms by offering tailored solutions for diverse environmental contexts. By showcasing real-world applications and drawing parallels with historical design movements, we aim to highlight AI’s potential not just as a tool, but as a collaborative force that merges human creativity with algorithmic intelligence. The future promises spaces that are not merely built but are dynamically crafted, anticipating and responding to human needs. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges, opportunities, and boundless horizons that lie ahead in the confluence of AI, architecture, and design.



Setting the Stage: We will introduce the future digital era and how it will shape our
architectural aspirations. Our designs will increasingly rely on technology, adaptability, and forward-thinking.


The Basics of AI in Design: We will explore how AI is set to become even more central to
architecture, drastically influencing our built environment.


AI’s Role in Architecture: We will discuss how AI will further refine architectural designs, making them more sustainable, efficient, and human-centric.


Generative AI’s Impact: We will delve deeper into generative AI’s potential, emphasizing its
capability to offer limitless design solutions tailored to diverse needs.


AI’s shaping the Interior spaces: We will touch upon how AI will redefine the interiors, merging
beauty with enhanced functionality


Real-World Examples: We will showcase upcoming global projects that promise to embody AI’s
transformative touch, bringing innovative visions to life


Historical Reflection: We will draw potential connections between the Renaissance of the past and the impending architectural transformation due to AI.


The Challenges Ahead: While the potential benefits of AI are immense, we will also address anticipated challenges, including the ethical and practical concerns of integrating advanced
tech with creative processes.

In summary, our exploration will emphasize the anticipated profound impact of AI on reshaping future architecture and design. We’re on the brink of an era where our blueprints will transition from static plans to dynamic, evolving designs. This won’t just be a technological shift, but a cultural one, where human creativity and AI will collaborate to conceive sustainable, responsive spaces for the next digital age. The future of design and architecture is on the horizon, and it promises to be intertwined with the limitless capabilities of AI.

When Algorithms Dream: Generative AI and the New Architectural Renaissance

António Guterres
Secretary-General, United Nations


The Council for International Accreditation of Architecture & Design is a leading International accreditation and certification platform and the official partner of the United Nations for the implementation and advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals- UNSDGs worldwide.

CIAAD is endorsed and affiliated with the world’s most prestigious organizations in the fields of design, standardization, and design education. CIAAD seeks the integration of design disciplines under one umbrella, hence ensuring a holistic approach to design education and the continuous development of the architecture and design professions globally, with a particular focus on the integration, mapping, and engagement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.