Eloi Juvillà Ballester
Director of Building and Logistics Services | Diputació de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain
An architect, he’s currently the Director of Building and Logistics for Barcelona Provincial Council An expert in sustainability and urban greenery, he was a member of the “Urban Environment and Health” group, a think tank that incorporates health into urban policies. He coordinates the Provincial Council’s Climate Plan with the aim of making its management carbon neutral by 2030, which involves self-consumption of 100% renewable energies and thSessions
Conference 30' |
Sustainable Building Congress
Comprehensive Refurbishment of the Diagonal 233 Building: from a sick to a sustainable and healthy building

Eloi Juvillà Ballester
Diputació de Barcelona
Director of Building and Logistics Services

Oriol Cusidó Garí
T9sA Arquitectes
Architect and Joint Designer of the Project
#edificación, #equipamientos, #rehabilitaciónenergética, #salud